Mental health
Mental issues: combating shame
A new interactive educational video follows three people as they deal with the three most common mental health problems: Anxiety, depression and alcohol abuse. With this "flashMOOC", the University of Bern wants to contribute to freeing mental problems from stigma.

Around half of the people in our society suffer from mental health problems at one point in the course of their lives. With a new "flashMOOC", the University of Bern would like to contribute to destigmatisation.
The interactive explanatory video is aimed at people with mental health problems and their relatives. Users accompany three people with different mental health challenges and learn what strategies they have developed to deal with anxiety, depression or alcohol abuse. They can involve themselves in their decision-making and thus experience how difficult it can be to find their own solutions. However, they also learn when it is advisable to seek professional help. Psychologist Florence von Gunten complements the stories of the three people with professional input.
Intro into the interactive explanatory video on dealing with mental health problems.