Cutting-edge research
Great success: Eleven SNSF Starting Grants
Eleven researchers receive an SNSF Starting Grant for their project at the University of Bern. The projects will be supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation with around 19 million Swiss francs.

The awarded research projects deal with the water cycle, socio-economic development in the Mediterranean region in the second millennium BC, bacteriophages and their role in the development of antibiotic resistance, border violence, the reinforcement of positive memories in depressed patients, incorrect medical diagnoses, the history of algebra in the Mediterranean region, the development of cardiac arrhythmias, the study of the ocean on Jupiter's moon Europa, the immunological "memory" for intestinal bacteria and therapeutic approaches to dangerous adhesions in the abdomen.
Five researchers are moving to Bern
More than 440 applications were submitted in this year's call for SNSF Starting Grants, of which a total of 67 projects will be funded with around CHF 115 million. These are grants for researchers who want to carry out an independent research project in Switzerland with their own team. Of the eleven projects funded at the University of Bern, eight are by women and five are by researchers who are moving to Bern from another institution to carry out their research at the University of Bern.
All names and project descriptions
To the detailed media release