NASA mission with Bernese participation

On October 14, 2024, NASA's Europa Clipper mission began its journey to Jupiter's moon Europa. The aim is to investigate if the icy moon currently has habitable conditions. Four researchers from Bern are part of the mission's scientific teams.

Text: Brigit Bucher 2024/10/17

An artist's concept of NASA's Europa Clipper spacecraft. © NASA/JPL-Caltech

The spacecraft Europa Clipper is the largest NASA has ever built for a planetary mission. NASA Europa Clipper will travel 2.9 billion km to reach Jupiter in April 2030. The main science goal is to determine whether there are places below the surface of Jupiter’s icy moon, Europa, that could support life.

Bern's expertise in camera systems sought after

"It is a real honor to be part of this incredibly exciting mission," says Nicolas Thomas. The Professor of Astrophysics at the University of Bern has been appointed co-investigator on the scientific team of EIS, the camera system on board the Europa Clipper space probe, due to his many years of experience and expertise with camera systems.

About the person

Image: Ramon Lehmann

Prof. Dr. Nicolas Thomas

is Professor of Astrophysics at the Physics Institute, Department of Space Research and Planetary Sciences (WP) at the University of Bern.

Unique experimental facility for icy surfaces

In addition to Thomas, Antoine Pommerol and Caroline Haslebacher are also part of the EIS team. Pommerol is co-leader of Thomas' research group in the Space Research and Planetology Division at the Physics Institute of the University of Bern. “I have developed a unique experimental facility at the University of Bern that can be used to simulate icy lunar surfaces like that of Jupiter's moon Europa,” explains the astrophysicist.

About the person


PD Dr. Antoine Pommerol

is co-leader of the research group of Nicolas Thomas at the Physics Institute, Dapartment of Space Research and Planetary Sciences (WP), at the University of Bern.

He is therefore closely following all discussions about the calibration of the EIS camera system. “I am also preparing experimental datasets for the future interpretation of the data collected at the icy moon,” says Pommerol.

Promoting young talent in space research

Caroline Haslebacher, who has just completed her PhD in the same research group, joined the EIS science team through her doctoral supervisor Thomas. “I was happy that to give Caroline Haslebacher the opportunity to get involved in the EIS science team,” says Thomas. “Getting junior researchers on board at an early stage in these types of mission is life-changing.”

About the person

Image: Courtesy of Caroline Haslebacher

Dr. Caroline Haslebacher

is a postdoc in the research group of Nicolas Thomas at the Physics Institute, Department of Space Research and Planetary Sciences (WP) at the University of Bern.

Haslebacher is developing a target database for the EIS camera system. She says, “Developing a target database will help prioritize observations, which is important given the limited data volume.” The young scientist is particularly looking forward to the images from EIS of currently unexplored regions of Europe in an unprecedented pixel scale.

Synergies with “sibling mission” to Jupiter

Also involved in the Europa Clipper mission is Audrey Vorburger. She is an assistant professor of astrophysics at the University of Bern and an expert in the field of mass spectrometry. She is a member of the science team for the MASPEX mass spectrometer which will study the chemistry of the moon’s suspected subsurface ocean, how the ocean and surface exchange material, and how radiation alters compounds on the moon’s surface.

Europa’s Mysterious Interior (Artist’s Concept): Scientists think that under the icy surface of Jupiter's moon Europa a saltwater ocean exists that may contain more than twice as much liquid water as all of Earth's oceans combined. This artist's concept (not to scale) depicts what Europa's internal structure could look like: an outer shell of ice, perhaps with plumes of material venting from beneath the surface; a deep, global layer of liquid water; and a rocky interior, potentially with hydrothermal vents on the seafloor. © NASA/JPL-Caltech

Vorburger is also involved in ESA’s Juice space mission, which started its journey to Jupiter in April 2023. She is the lead scientist for the NIM mass spectrometer, which was completely designed and built at the University of Bern. “In my opinion, Juice and Europa Clipper are like siblings: slightly different, but sharing many similarities,” says Vorburger. “For instance, eight out of the nine instruments on Europa Clipper have an equivalent on Juice.”

About the person

Image: Courtesy of Audrey Vorburger

Prof. Dr. Audrey Vorburger

is an assistant professor of astrophysics at the Physics Institute, Department of Space Research and Planetary Sciences (WP) at the University of Bern

However, their mission profiles diverge significantly. Juice will explore the entire Jupiter system, ultimately entering orbit around Jupiter's largest moon Ganymede, while Europa Clipper will focus closely on Europa, providing the first detailed study of the icy moon.

Europa Clipper paves the way for the search for life

“Their similarities yet differences are what make them two such promising synergistic missions,” As Vorburger concludes: “Europa Clipper will provide invaluable information about Europa and lay the groundwork for future life-searching missions.”

Video Preview Picture
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory: Europa Clipper – : Exploring Jupiter’s Ocean Moon (Mission Overview)

More information about NASA Europa Clipper

Bernese space exploration

With the world’s elite since the first moon landing

When the second man, "Buzz" Aldrin, stepped out of the lunar module on July 21, 1969, the first task he did was to set up the Bernese Solar Wind Composition experiment (SWC) also known as the “solar wind sail” by planting it in the ground of the moon, even before the American flag. This experiment, which was planned, built and the results analyzed by Prof. Dr. Johannes Geiss and his team from the Physics Institute of the University of Bern, was the first great highlight in the history of Bernese space exploration.

Ever since Bernese space exploration has been among the world’s elite, and the University of Bern has been participating in space missions of the major space organizations, such as ESA, NASA, and JAXA. With CHEOPS the University of Bern shares responsibility with ESA for a whole mission. In addition, Bernese researchers are among the world leaders when it comes to models and simulations of the formation and development of planets.

The successful work of the Department of Space Research and Planetary Sciences (WP) from the Physics Institute of the University of Bern was consolidated by the foundation of a university competence center, the Center for Space and Habitability (CSH). The Swiss National Fund also awarded the University of Bern the National Center of Competence in Research (NCCR) PlanetS, which it manages together with the University of Geneva.

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