Proportion of women at the University of Bern
The University of Bern has long been committed to the promotion of equal opportunities and equality between women and men and all genders. Some progress has been made, but there still remains a lot to be done. A snapshot in numbers.

Statistically recorded, the genders are binary, i.e. divided into men and women. The number tower shows how evenly or unevenly they are distributed across the eight faculties at the various academic levels, from the student body to the professorships*. The figures reflect the percentages for 2023.
At the University as a whole, women account for around 22% of full professorships, 35% of associate professorships and 60% of assistant professorships. Taken together, this means that almost one in three of these professors is a woman. Among the students, on the other hand, 59% are women and 41% are men (including doctoral students and those enrolled in continuing education programs).
You can find an overview of these figures in the interview with Claudia Willen, Head of the Office for Equal Opportunities.
* Number of professorships excluding associate, titular and honorary professorships due to their special status

Magazine uniFOKUS

Women in Science
This article first appeared in uniFOKUS, the University of Bern print magazine. Four times a year, uniFOKUS focuses on one specialist area from different points of view. Current focus topic: Women in Science
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